Prado Scheduled to Make First Visit to Barbaro; Horse Continues to do Well

Barbaro, winner of the Kentucky Derby Presented by Yum! Brands (gr. I), continued to rest peacefully Monday at the University of Pennsylvania's George D. Widener Hospital for Large Animals. His appetite and vital signs remain strong, officials said.
Surgeon Dean Richardson expects this week to remove Barbaro's cast long enough to examine the colt's shattered right hind leg, which is being held together with a plate and 27 screws.
"Changing the cast ... is significant because then he'll be able to take a look at the leg and see how it's healing," said Gail Luciani, spokeswoman for the University of Pennsylvania's veterinary school.
Prado, one of the nation's leading riders, resumed racing after the Preakness and has posted several wins. He said last week the races help him keep his mind off his anguish over the Preakness injury, which ended Barbaro's Triple Crown bid and racing career.
Doctors say it could be months before they know whether Barbaro will survive, because of the risk of infection and other life-threatening complications.
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